If you like books about girls named Zazoo,you should read Zazoo, by Richard Mosher. It’s the best book I’ve read in a long time. It’s sweet. It’s timeless, the story seems outside of time. Kind of Gabriel Garcia Marquez-esque. It’s a fast read. It’s set in France, who doesn’t love that. Zazoo and her grandfather live in a mill, they mind Lock 43 on a canal. Zazoo has a plum colored punt she uses for boating up and down the canal. It’s like Griffin and Sabine, a bit too, though less “arty.” Read this book. It’s great.
Hm… sounds intriguing. When I am back in a place where I can read for pleasure I will definitely pick it up. Right now all my reading these days are in blog form or snippets from magazines. Even my beloved Dwell is sitting in a stack on the coffee table, waiting for me to pick it up. It can be a dense read at times and I guess I am not in the mood for heavy reading these days. (I find it amusing that my definition of heavy reading is magazine reading and that blog reading is about all I can handle. Oy!)
jean said this on August 16th, 2006 at 9:56 am